Thursday, February 5, 2009

RAFT: Supervisor vs. Parent

Parent: Good afternoon, Mrs. Steinen. I’m calling to talk about my son, Clyde. He received his schedule today and we noticed he has Honors History next year. He’s currently in CP History, and we’d both like for him to stay there.
Supervisor: May I ask why that is?
Parent: Well, it’s so easy for him, he’s bound to get an A grade.
Supervisor: I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to have a conversation with his current teacher and get back to you about this.
****After discussion with teacher****
Supervisor: Hi, Mrs. Stale. This is Mrs. Steinen; I wanted to follow-up with you on our previous conversation about Clyde. I talked to Mrs. Lucas, and she told me that Clyde is head and shoulders about his class, and that he would really benefit from being in the Honors class.
Parent: If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather have him in CP. The high A will look much better on his transcripts than a B in Honors. Also, he has fencing meets, Boy Scouts, horseback riding lessons, and working at the soup kitchen, so the extra homework would just be a burden to him.
Supervisor: Actually, a B in Honors is better than an A in CP, as far as colleges are concerned. Clyde will be more challenged in Honors; he will be able to use his critical thinking skills more often; he will also write more often, which will surely help him when he goes to college. Don’t you want him to learn more and be more challenged? Also, if Clyde has all of those extracurricular activities to his name, plus his stellar gpa, he will have no problem at all getting into a college of his choosing.
Parent: Really? I didn’t think about that. Alright then, let’s do the Honors class. But, if his grades start slipping, I’m calling you back and we’re going to switch him out.
Supervisor: Mrs. Stale, let’s deal with that when, and if, it happens. Let’s be positive, and you should enjoy the fact that you have a really smart kid. Good-bye.

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